The man squees like a six year old when he goes to a space museum.
When Sakaki tries to answer it for them, he knocks his friend out, and later when pressed on it, he gets rather angry, and everyone, even high level espers like Kaoru, were quite scared of him.
As an example, when Fujiko tries to ask him about his old girlfriend from college, he tries to skirt around the issue. Make Minamoto snap and you will surely regret it. OOC Is Serious Business: No matter how strong, influential or cute you are. The BABEL chief, in contrast, tends to overreact towards the girls and anything they do. Only Sane Employee: He's one of the only ones who generally doesn't go overboard with his actions. It's also the prime reason why Kaoru, Aoi, and Shiho are all in love with him, because he was the first supervisor they had that really treated each of them with love and care even by than their own families. Nice Guy: Aside from him disciplining the girls for rude behavior, he is generally this. Fanservice: Photographs of Minamoto in his unmentionables are popular among BABEL's female staff. Still, it's clear that should anything happen to Minamoto the Children ma= THE UNLIMITED HYOUBU KYOUSUKE GAY SERIES
Later on in the series "The Children" become mature enough to make their own decisions without him.
Minored In Ass Kicking: When he's not fighting someone way over his league, such as a high level esper, he can put up a decent fight. Because of this, despite being a normal human, he is able to sympathize with the plight espers face due to their powers. Other kids didn't like being outshone by him in class and gradually ostracized him for it. Intelligence Equals Isolation: The girls discover that he was incredibly smart for someone his age when examining an old class picture. He's often describe by others as being a housewife and his hobbies include cleaning house and cooking. House Husband: Lampshaded pretty often. Heroic Willpower: Strong enough to resist the more drastic forms of mind control Kyousuke tries to inflict on him. Everyone wants Minamoto, including Kyousuke, Sakaki, and Okama. Despair Event Horizon: Minamoto of all people experiences this when he learns from Feather that he kills Kaoru in the Bad Future out of Mad Love for her. Cunning Linguist: English, Russian, German, French, Italian, Chinese and some proficiency with Spanish and Korean. Child Prodigy: As a child he was smart enough that he actually managed to solve Fermat's Last Theorem, an act which resulted in him being sent on a special education program in Comerica. He's not Oblivious to Love either, he's mostly Above the Influence regarding the Children, and for the others he just simply doesn't have time to date due to his workload with BABEL and the girls. Some comment on his good looks, while others like him because he's a Nice Guy. Chick Magnet: Many of the females in the series are drawn to him. On the rare occasions when does manage a date he's completely clueless. Celibate Hero: Minamoto's life revolves around keeping The Children safe and happy. Butt-Monkey: Minamoto starts out this way in the manga, being thrown into walls by Kaoru at the slightest provocation, taking the fall for the Children's collateral damage, or being messed with by Kyousuke. Beware the Nice Ones: When pressed about his old college girlfriend, he gets extremely defensive about it, to the point that even high level espers were scared of him. Batman Gambit: His most common means of surviving in a world filled with people of mass destruction. but in the serialized manga (and anime) he is just a Normal. Badass Normal: subverted in the pilot chapter where he's (although completely oblivious of it) a level 7 anti anti ESP-er link. Awesome by Analysis: Due to his intellect, he can usually figure out some of the things going on simply based on the evidence he sees. Action Survivor: While he can put up some fight, he's not nearly as powerful as the espers are, and usually has to rely on them to fight other espers. THE UNLIMITED HYOUBU KYOUSUKE GAY FREE
Above the Influence: Despite the persistent efforts of The Children (and Kyousuke, and Fujiko, and the entire free world.). Although initially reluctant, he quickly comes to care for the girls and acts their guardian to the best of his ability. Originally a scientist in BABEL's Research Division, he's conscripted into becoming the Supervisor of "The Children" after he successfully manages to bond with them.